Elections Malaysia | 13 October 2022

Malaysia: Prime Minister calls for elections

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri has called for early elections, probably as an effort by UMNO to stabilize their ruling position and capitalize on a splintered opposition.


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In a long-expected move, Prime Minister Ismail Sabri has called for early elections, as reported by Reuters on 10 October 2022.

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “This move is seen as an effort by UMNO to stabilize their ruling position and capitalize on a splintered opposition. The timing has been strongly criticized, since the elections will coincide with the monsoon season which starts mid-November, thus potentially affecting voter turnout. It remains to be seen if the opposition can unite and benefit from the plethora of corruption cases rattling UMNO or if voters have already become indifferent or complacent about the corruption among politicians (Murray Hunter Blog, 10 October 2022). In any case, it will be the voter who has the final say after what has arguably been the most politically turbulent period in Malaysia’s history. As many analysts believe, the voters will also have the final say on how the legal and political system will deal with the UMNO corruption cases (Benar News, 10 October 2022). To what extent the various Malay parties will try to fan fears of the Malay-Muslim majority losing its preferential position, will be interesting to observe. Christians will be watching the campaigning season attentively and wait for the outcome of the elections; they stand to be particularly affected by any Muslim-Malay majoritarianism.”


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