Communist and post-Communist oppression Vietnam | 13 October 2022

Vietnam: Emphasis on security and repression

The current 18-member Politburo has five members with a background in the security services.


Show: false / Country: Vietnam /
In the 16 September 2022 issue of ‘The Vietnamese’, the current 18-member Politburo is described as being “securocratic”, since it has five members with a background in the security services.

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “Current Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh spent most of his political career in the Ministry of Public Security. While this in itself is not unusual in a Communist country, it fits observations made by Human Rights Watch which accuses the Politburo of promoting outdated Stalinist policies which belong to past Communist history (Radio Free Asia, 21 September 2022). Against this background, a recently published statement is particularly noteworthy and worrying: According to The Vietnamese magazine reporting on 4 October 2022, the Journal of Party Building stated in an article dated 28 July 2022 that out of 1.2 million Protestants throughout Vietnam, 73% belong to ethnic minorities, roughly one third living in the northern mountainous region and two thirds in the Central Highlands. They are a showcase of what it means to be doubly vulnerable to persecution, as ethnic minorities and as Protestants.”


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