Islamic oppression Kenya | 09 February 2023

Kenya: Suspected al-Shabaab explosives kill civilians travelling from Garissa

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As reported by Reuters on 11 January 2023, a three-car convoy was travelling from the town of Garissa to Bura when four employees of the Kenya National Highway Authority in the leading vehicle were killed by an explosive device planted in the road. Al-Shabaab is likely to be responsible for this ambush.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “Al-Shabaab and its supporters have remained a threat to Kenyans for the past ten years and more. The group has conducted deadly attacks in the past, notably on Garissa University, the Westgate Mall in Nairobi and also major ambushes of buses which often resulted in the beheading of all passengers who could not recite passages of the Quran. This latest attack is a reminder to Kenya that al-Shabaab is still a force to be reckoned with in 2023.” 


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