Dictatorial paranoia Niger | 11 October 2023

Niger: Islamic militants are growing in confidence

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As reported by BBC News on 29 September 2023, several hundred Islamic militants on motorbikes attacked the town of Kandaji, not far from the border with Burkina Faso and Mali, on 28 September. 12 government troops were killed, adding to the 17 killed in August (Reuters, 16 August 2023). 

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “The tri-border zone of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger has become a base for jihadist operations, and this large-scale attack by al-Qaeda affiliates exemplifies the ongoing instability and security challenges in the region. Niger, like some of its neighboring countries, has recently experienced political turmoil, including a coup in July 2023. This has further exacerbated the security situation. This combination of jihadist activity and national and regional instability is of great concern to the Christian minority which fears being specifically targeted by the jihadists who seem to be growing in confidence.”


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