Elections Syria | 12 July 2024

Syria: Kurdish authorities postpone local elections amid regional tensions

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Syrian Kurdish authorities have postponed controversial local elections in the north-eastern region of Syria, initially scheduled for 11 June 2024, to at least August 2024. The decision came in response to threats from Turkey and concerns expressed by the USA, as reported by AsiaNews on 7 June 2024. The elections, which would have involved seven districts in the semi-autonomous region with an electorate of about six million, were delayed following requests from political parties and alliances citing insufficient preparation time. The postponement reflects the complex political landscape in the region, where Kurdish groups have established control over a quarter of Syria following years of conflict and the withdrawal of government forces. According to AsiaNews: “Christians still remember past abuses and violations, starting with the seizure of homes and land as well as the destruction of churches and holidays celebrated under threat from local and foreign powers.”

World Watch Research analyst Henriette Kats comments: “The Kurdish authorities appear to be trying to establish stable governance but local Christians have harbored serious doubts about the legitimacy of the proposed elections. Although Christians enjoy relatively more freedom in much of the northeast than in the rest of Syria – for example, the Kurdish authorities legally allow converts from Islam to change their religion – Christians have not forgotten the loss of homes and churches in the recent past. Further, they have often been used as a propaganda tool by the powers that be, which fuels their distrust and has led a Syrian Catholic archbishop’s to remark that Christians do not recognize the value of the local elections and will not participate in them (Agenzia Fides, 4 June 2024). The postponement of the elections has done little to alleviate these concerns.”


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