According to VOA reporting on 9 June 2022, anglophone separatists attacked a government army outpost in the French-speaking village of Njitapon on 7 June 2022. As well as killing five soldiers and wounding six others, they also abducted 12 villagers and stole weapons. The separatists claimed responsibility for the attack in a video shared on social media.
World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “Cameroon not only faces the threat of jihadist attacks from neighboring Nigeria, but also has to contend with civil unrest from anglophone separatists whose cause is grounded in perceived government discrimination. As a result, the civilian population is targeted by jihadists, separatists and sometimes by government forces who often accuse civilians of harboring separatists. The challenges that Christians face in this context are multifaceted: On the one hand, the government accuses them of harboring militants and at times carry out arbitrary arrests and force the closure of worshipping places. On the other hand, the worshipping places tend not to be safe since church gatherings can attract attacks and abductions from the various armed groups. Schools and other social service institutions have also been suffering greatly in this respect.”
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