Cuba | 04 October 2021

Cuba: Church leaders targeted for defending human rights

Show: false / Country: Cuba /
As reported by Radio Television Marti on 17 September 2021, Roman Catholic priest, Castor Josƒ© ƒlvarez Devesa of the archdiocese of Camagƒ¼ey, was prevented from leaving the country on grounds of "public interest". According to Diario de Cuba reporting on 20 September 2021, a Roman Catholic priest in Vertientes had eggs thrown at the walls of his home by regime supporters and a sign pinned up calling him "a disgusting worm". World Watch Research analyst Rossana Ramirez comments: "Both priests are known for publicly denouncing the government"s poor human rights record and have been on the receiving end of retaliatory action. Indeed, the first named received a severe beating for participating in the widespread anti-government protest marches which took place on 11 July 2021." Rossana Ramirez continues: "Anyone who dares to be openly critical of the government - including virtually any discussion of fundamental rights - will face government restrictions and intimidation. The Church enjoys high levels of trust in society, in clear contrast to the waves of protest and ‚ discontent that have faced the state authorities. In this context, the work of church leaders is particularly exposed to government oppression where they minister to the needs of the most vulnerable in society."


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