Kenya | 12 July 2022

Kenya: Al-Shabaab increases activity near Kenya border

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Acting on intelligence, troops belonging to the Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) attacked and killed ten al-Shabaab militants and recovered various weapons during an operation in Boni Forest, near the Lamu-Somalia border on 1 July 2022. According to the KDF, the militants were part of a team led by Maalim Ayman who were planning attacks within the “Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport corridor” (LAPSSET).

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “ Al-Shabaab has recently been making fresh attempts to launch attacks in Kenya. The al-Shabaab insurgency is a constant threat to Christians in Kenya, due to the country’s geographical proximity to Somalia. Over the years, the radical Islamic group has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Christians and many have been forced to relocate from areas in Kenya threatened by al-Shabaab influence.”


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