As reported by Eurasia Review on 3 July 2022, the State Committee for Religious Affairs summoned Protestant church leaders for a meeting in Dushanbe in May 2022. The assembled were informed that the authorities would not be registering any new churches and were warned that minors cannot be allowed to take part in church activities or attend church-run camps.
David Davidson working at World Watch Research comments: “Without state registration, any form of church activity is illegal and punishable in Tajikistan; this has been the case since the introduction of the so-called Religion Law which came into force in April 2009. The religious activities of the Muslim community and Jehovah’s Witnesses are similarly affected. However, never before has it been stated so explicity that no more applications for registration will be accepted, which means there is no hope for numerous church groups ever to worship legally. If the Persecution engine Dictatorial paranoia was not already at the highest level in World Watch List analysis (see WWR, Full Country Dossier, December 2021, p. 20), it would surely be raised to that level now.”
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