The International Crisis Group (ICG) published an article on 31 May 2018 entitled: "
Misery as Strategy: The Human Cost of Conflict". In its discussion of the conflict in Yemen it states: "All sides have exacerbated a humanitarian crisis on an astounding scale: over 22 million Yemenis, 75 per cent of the population, need humanitarian assistance; some 8.4 million are on the brink of famine. But the Saudi-led coalition - because of its superior firepower and ability to control the land and sea approaches to Yemen, which has long depended on imports for food, medicine and fuel - bears particular responsibility."
Henriette Kats, persecution analyst at World Watch Research (WWR), highlighted the problems caused by the
Saudi Arabian forces in a WWR article in November 2016. Having read the ICG report she would like to emphasize: "There is also a Christian perspective to the fighting in Yemen, which has left no useable church buildings in the country. All four registered churches were located in Aden and suffered serious war-damage in 2015 and 2016 from both Islamic militant groups and Saudi airstrikes. Opinions differ over whether the damage to the churches was "˜collateral damage", whether it could have been prevented, or whether the armed units involved simply used the situation to destroy the churches. What is definite is that most foreign Christians have left the country due to the civil war, leaving the indigenous Christians to stand on their own feet. They may have no church buildings, but since this indigenous Church - which consists mainly of Christians with a Muslim background - has evolved and matured over the years, they are still there‚ - and they have a right to just as much food and medicine as everyone else. Contacts in the country have repeatedly stated that where citizens are known to be Christians, they are regularly being excluded from receiving humanitarian aid."