Strengthen what remains.

"Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die..." Revelation 3:2


How we support

Open Doors works in more than 70 countries, supplying Bibles, training church leaders, providing practical support and emergency relief, and supporting Christians who suffer persecution and discrimination for their faith. Our national bases in 25 countries work to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilising prayer, support and action among Christians.

Bible Distribution
Distributing Bibles and Christian Resources

Despite increased security control and restrictions, Open Doors provides contextualised Christian materials in minority languages.
Last year, Open Doors distributed more than 1.6 million bibles and books worldwide.

Training Christians and Church Leaders

In the last year, Open Doors trained 3.3 million persecuted Christians across the world. Trainings include leadership and discipleship courses, trauma care and persecution survival seminars.

Supporting victims of violence and disaster

In 2022 Open Doors helped 600,000 persecuted Christians with emergency relief, community development, education and medical care.

Hope for the Middle East
Raising awareness and encouraging prayer

“Our prayers can go where we cannot.” - Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors. Across the world, we mobilise prayer support for Christians suffering persecution and discrimination for their faith. We encourage the global church to stand with them in prayer so that they know they are not alone.

Bible Distribution
Speaking out in advocacy

From the White House to the UK parliament, from the EU to the UN, Open Doors brings the voice of persecuted Christians to the ears of the most powerful people in the world.

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